How to measure the continuous segments(polyline)?

When you need to measure inclined or non-standard objects, you will need the continuous measure feature.

  1. Click continuous measure and start to measure.
  2. When you encounter a straight line, left-click on both ends of it. While encountering an arc, left-click on the arc itself.
  3. Right-click to finish the measurement, and left-click to place the measurement.

Attention: An arc could be automatically recognized when the mouse turns into a small white square. If the mouse turns into a small yellow square, it means it’s not an arc but a polyline that consists of multiple line segments, and you need to select them one by one for measurement. The arc can be interrupted if you think it is too long. Just move the mouse and find the intersection point where you want to stop it and left-click on it.

Watch the tutorial video here:

Category: CAD Reader for Mac